Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Gathering of the spirits
Singled out one by one
Mingling with the living
Which are dancing back and forth

Lights shinning brightly and
The night so majestic
How I can lay under the stars
And dream all night.

Come and touch me
Waiting with open arms
I herald your name in
My heart and in my soul
Waiting for the gathering
To bring us all home.

Belinda 09


Constant torment

Live and up close

Watch and see how

I compose this poem


Hated dreams of nightmares

Bliss watch and see how I never

Let this miss.

Gather up you messes

And travel with me to the long

Cold graves look and watch

And see how it this unravels.

Past the love ones now dead

And gone.


Constant torment

Live and up close

Watch and see

How I transpose

Driving the knife

In your heart

Watching the blood

Flow and stain the ground

Looking into your eyes

Last bit of light

Darkness falls

And the hell begins.


Now constant torment

Hear my cry

Watch and see how my

Death drains dry.


Belinda 09

Monday, December 14, 2009

Love's Ribbon

 She looked upon him with admiration

Far from the transformation that she was

An angry young woman who had nothing but

Hate and vile thoughts.


Did not want to love

However, knew how to hate

Lately her heart has been closed

Being used and abused, she just did not

Have the will to break the chill.


Now he has come into her life

Beauty that only is in the eyes of the beholder

His eyes warm and cascading he soul open for the

World to see.

His voice structured and secure

he was sure of himself and strong in his beliefs

He looked into her eyes placed his hand on her face

Moving them slowly down to her lips and then bit them



His love for her was evident

A long time without passion

For both had none to give

Now found each other

In the grip of life's torment

Blossoms a ribbon of hope.



Belinda 09

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Last Seen

When was the last time you seen me
Time passed the winds of change has engulfed us both
No one could have guessed that I would disappear
No one could have guessed that I would be missed
Do you miss me
For I miss you
It has been long
But it was worth it
Not to hear from you
Not to be concerned with the rigors of the stressful
Situations that you have placed me in.
Now are you glad that I am here?
Reminding you of how it was
How it could have been
What it once was
Now faded off into the sunset
A memory of the past

Been a long time
my face was a memory then
and still a memory now

Psalmist 09