Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Playful moments
Pleasurable just to be in peace
The love that I have for you my Father
Is beyond anything imaginable.

Here I have the love
Of family and friends
And there love is so priceless and
Precious to me.

Loving the days as they go by
Praying with thanks to see them each
Day, lying in my bed thanking you once
Again for the peace of this nights peaceful

I thank you for all the things you have done
And the victories that we have won. As
I write to you on precious Father my love
For you flows from my heart.

And I have to say it is nothing but your grace
And mercy that have allowed me to stay.
For me it is nothing but gratefulness for the
Reason I love you so.

Flowing from my heart
My love for you is your victory
For creating me a priceless treasure
A life that belongs to you.

Grateful oh Father for you making me
Grateful for knowing all about you and
Praising you until the sun goes down.
Grateful for the victories that you have won
Never did you forsake me or abandoned me.
I am so grateful
Just to love you.

BDW ‘08

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