Monday, May 12, 2008

Faded Out

Reality faded
Bruised soul now traded
Not sure what you are
Alternatively, where you are, illusional
Thoughts blinded you from friends
Killing you consciously slowly and Methodically.

Leading people on with false statements
Not even sure of yourself to what it is that
You want us all to believe trading your words
To best describe your illusional tirades gone
Without a blessing is where you will end up.
Corrupted with blasphemer lies of the heart
Your love that you hold so dear is also a dream
That was never real.

A foolish mind
Racked by tormented games and underestimated
Thoughts what where you thinking? Bet you don't know
Nevertheless, as you try to gain some sort of reality
Your mind has become very twisted with guilt and shame
My guess in the midst of your tortured soul you have not
Even the faintest clue on what to do.Have to pity you though
For you are lost and out of controlLeaving sublime messages of unreal
truths Delusions of grander I would like to believe
And never to relive your so call understandings
Of what friends are, suppose to be about.

And contortioned
Seems to be your motto
Guess you could not handle your own game
This is why you faded out!

Copyright 2008 Belinda Diane Willis

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Emotional Dangers

Dangerous Threats
Unexplained meanings
Nothing else said
Just an issued ultimatum
Unfounded threats
Angry resolutions
Disillusions of things

The eye does not see that
How can I stop the tears from
falling from my eyes?
I was a friend
you spat that back in my face
you accused me of things
that is not even real
never let me explain
and threatened me with
sublime feelings of resentment
in addition, jealousy.

Where did these emotions come from?
Why did you do this to me?
Yes, I was a friend
now I am your enemy.

Copyright 2008 Belinda Diane Willis

Fighter's Spirit

An open challenge
A moral outline
Guidelines crossed
Boarders breached
Fleeting emotions
Sublime emotions
Gathering your strength
Storm clouds come
Darken worlds collide
Dark horses come and reside

Drawing of unsheathed swords
Let the battle begin
Blood pour
Anguish souls do battle
Angry words to push
On the weak and strengthen
The cause for more blood To be had.
Fight on
Let the war rage on
Fear not of the threats ahead
Let my blade test me on this quest
Let not the angry words of the
Enemy detour you remember my
Strength and follow my sword to

For fear is the killer
In addition, you are brave enough
To taste the blood let your Sword be your everlasting words
March forward and take no prisoners.
Let the bodies fall and lay waste
On the crimson ground leave No one alive the
enemy must die.
Now that you have made your Purpose to
fight me on unleavened Ground test my sword
and I will Drink your blood when it is done.
There can only be one!

Copyright 2008 Belinda Diane Willis